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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah, who manifests his almighty power above all by pardoning and showing mercy bestow, and we wish to be worthy. Prayer and peace be upon the prophet who is good to all the universe ,our Master Mohamed, his pure relatives and faithful companions.

The University of ELSheikh Abdallah ELBadri is a private non profit charity university that provides educational services at the lowest possible cost. The University seeks in its mission and objectives development and excellence in education and scientific research in accordance with ethical religious principles and values to meet the needs of the community and to achieve sustainable professional development.

The University was founded by his Eminence ELSheikh Abdallah ELSheikh ELBadri, who started it as an idea and a project to keep the Quran memorizers decent-handed professionally, in the light of this, he constructed several buildings namely: halls, offices, workshops, laboratories, libraries and students’ dormitories and teachers’ houses at his own expense. The idea thanks to Allah developed to the extent that it resulted in Sheikh Abdallah ELBadri College of Technology (Faculty of Technology now) in 2002, the college awarded the degree of technical diploma in various engineering disciplines and a three-year system of computer and management. At that time, it was under the technical Education Corporation affiliate of the Ministry of Higher Education and scientific research. The college as well comprised a rehabilitation centre for the Holy Quran Memorizers which awarded vocational training certificate, apprenticeship and craft certificate in different engineering disciplines. It included a segment for the Holy Quran Memorizers and children of the martyrs , schools dropouts and Basic School Certificate students. The college also had a community development centre.

The establishment of the El-Sheikh Abdallah ELBadri Technical Health College (Faculty of Health Sciences now) was in 2008. It was affiliate of technical education at that time. It was also fully funded by Fadilat Maulana ELSheikh Abdallah ELBadri including: buildings, equipment, and furnishings. The college awarded the degree of technical diploma in pharmacy, nursing, dental medicine and medical statistics based on a 3- year system.

In honour of his Eminence Sheikh Abdallah ELBadri, the two colleges were upgraded to a university in 2011, taking the name-University of EL Sheikh Abdallah EL Badri in recognition of his efforts and achievements to establish this university.

The University now has ten faculties of: Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Administrative and Economic Sciences, Science, Technology, Computer and Information Technology, Media Technologies and, Nursing, Medical Laboratories (including Bachelor of Nursing, Medical Laboratories, and Health Diplomas). In addition to the Graduate College. There are different centres for community rehabilitation and development , a rehabilitation centre for the holy Quran memorizers and a centre for languages and translation. Besides, a Monitoring and Liaison Office in the capital. There is also a University Teaching Hospital which provides services not only to university students but also to people in the vicinity and remote areas in the River Nile State.

A number of centres were established at the University among which the Centre of Scientific Research Excellence, a Centre for Educational Development, a Computer Centre and a Centre for On-going Studies in the capital.

The Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University his Eminence Maulana Sheikh Abdallah established multiple residential complexes inside and near the university campus for male and female students with high standards and elegant services to ensure academic stability.

Sincere thanks for the Ministry of Higher Education , and the Director of Private, Foreign Higher Education. Thanks are also extended to all current and successive educational departments of higher education and the national students welfare fund for their invaluable support and great concern about this university who spare no effort to facilitate all impediments to maintain development and stability of this institution. Profound thanks are due to all employees, members and university board of trustees. Gratitude, appreciation and recognition to all people of Berber and El Gadwab who strongly scaffolded the university since its inception particularly: relatives, followers and friends in the Sudan and abroad. May Allah the Almighty cast blessings and consent of our deeds here and in the hereafter.

   University Chancellor  

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